Progression of me

from eighty four to now…

Week Four Weigh In

I’m a little late with this weeks update, but better late than never.

This week was not only a weigh-in week but it was also the checkpoint where we re-do our measurements and our fitness test.  I was hoping for good things this week after last weeks gain and I was not disappointed.  Jumping on the scales I discovered that I had lost 1.3kg – so the weight I had gained was now gone again!  My friend and I then met up and recorded our measurements.  I was stoked to see that in total over the past 4 weeks I have lost 11.5cm.  And then we did our fitness test and I saw more positive results – EVERYTHING had improved.  My cardio fitness, my upper body strength, my core strength, my lower body strength and my flexibility.

It’s always a boost when you see improvements; and the thing I love about this particular challenge is that it’s not just your weight and measurements that are monitored.  The fitness test is a great indicator of where you’re at and what you need to focus on.

I guess the most important thing for me this week was in the planning.  I was more strict with it and it paid off.  I have however been struggling a bit mentally…and will post about that early next week.  I’ll trying a technique I read about in a magazine to see if it helps and will give a bit of a review about that.  So stay tuned.

Hope all is well!

Love love xox


March Madness

March…Autumn…we’re already closing in on April!  Where the hell has 2014 gone already?  I know we say this every year, but surely – this year is disappearing quicker than any year before!!!

Maybe it’s because we are constantly looking towards our next goal..our next project…our next meal even?  But it’s this preparation which can often help us achieve big things.

Just under 2 weeks ago I created a calendar scheduling in my work outs and decided to get back into the habit of taking my food with me to work etc.  So far it’s been working a treat!  And I’m loving the routine!  But I feel, as I’m constantly looking towards the next day or the next few days, that the weeks are slipping by!  How do you stay prepared whilst living in the moment?  Is there a way to stop time from moving so quickly?  I don’t know if this is possible to answer and with my 30 Project I find I’m constantly doing one thing or another.

I recently double booked myself not once but twice with the same friend and I felt horrible.  Luckily I was able to get out of work but the other double booking was a wedding so I can’t really not go!  Luckily my friend is extremely awesome and understanding and so she didn’t make it into a huge deal (although she did admit it didn’t make her feel good); but it still got me thinking with SO much going on I need to ensure I am keeping track of everything.  I was really good at writing everything into my diary at one point, but have been a bit slack lately – so I’m going to make sure I get this habit back on track!

This isn’t the only thing though, and I’m sure I’ve touched on this many times before; but with so much going on in life; I think it’s more important than ever to spend some time simply relaxing / letting ourselves unwind.  Even for just ten minutes a night.  So I’m going to spend 10 minutes before bed doing some deep breathing exercises on my foam roller.  Trying to empty my mind of the day so that I am relaxed, ready to sleep and begin the next day.

Looks like that’s another thing to add to the calendar 😉

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Transformation Challenge – Week 9

Transformation Challenge - Week 9

We’ve hit the final leg of the 12 Week Transformation Challenge and I’m pumped! On the weekend I typed up a calendar for the next 3 and a bit weeks and scheduled in all my work outs. I’m treating these like appointments and will be checking them off as I do them. I’m also packing all my lunch so I’m less likely to be tempted at work. I’m proud of how I’ve been with my eating during the challenge BUT I know it could be better.

So, for the final weeks I’m going to ensure I’m eating my 5 meals a day – breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Ensuring I measure out my protein as per my trainer’s suggestion last year and I’m going to allow myself one “cheat meal” each week. I know that there are mixed opinions on cheat meals, but I have found they work really well for me in the past so why fix something that ain’t broken?! Lastly – I’m going to continue to drink plenty of water.

I want to end this challenge with a BANG and then continue the new habits I have created for myself. I’ll update you all with how I go when the challenge is completed 🙂

Let’s DO THIS!!

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Exciting News!

Wow…OK….I just watched “2001: A Space Odyssey” and I am kind of weirded out!  Haha.  It was a good movie, slow to start but then I felt it was all coming together and there was a bit of suspense and then it all just went trippy and left me unsure of exactly what just happened!  But I still feel it was good.  Go figure!

It’s absolutely pouring outside, which is good as we need the rain, but this is insane!

Anyway, obviously neither of those random comments are my news……

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This picture says it all…

It’s been a while since I’ve written an update. I’ve been a bit all over the shop lately mentally and emotionally, but I feel like it’s time to update you all on what’s been happening in the last couple of months.

A lot has changed recently and this picture sums it all up quite nicely.  Recently I sat down and made some decisions and listed some goals – and once they were put in writing, they actually became real.  It’s funny how more achievable things become when you know what you want and have it down on paper.

So, where to start?  Well, at the end of October I took a few days out and went away on my own.  Things had been particularly stressful and 5 nights away from technology and my everyday life was exactly what I needed.  It was here that I was able to re-group and to really have some quality me time.  I also had a few appointments with various health professionals which were very beneficial.  The location was breath-taking and really allowed me to escape.  Below is a photo I took on a bush walk I took one morning.

Australian nature in all it's beauty

Australian nature in all its gloriousness

Whilst away I listed things I wanted to achieve, both long and short-term.  Actually having the time to do some proper “soul-searching” was really nice and I came back feeling refreshed and motivated.  Whilst there we ate really healthy, delicious foods and although the portions were smaller than I was used to I never went hungry.

I tried out archery while I was away!  And actually really enjoyed it...and yes, this is me...going out of my comfort zone a little and posting a pic....

I tried out archery while I was away! And actually really enjoyed it…and yes, this is me…going out of my comfort zone a little and posting a pic….

A gorgeous sunset on my last night away

A gorgeous sunset on my last night away

I also had a Physical Health Assessment done and learnt that my  blood pressure and glucose levels were both healthy, my waist-to-hip ratio was fine too, my push up and sit ups tests were “average” and “above average” for my age but my BMI was 26.5 which put me into the “mildly overweight” category.  Now, I know that you shouldn’t rely on Body Mass Index results and instead I went with some different results….


I had a “Body Composition and Cellular Health Analysis” done.  It is a non evasive test where an electric current is sent through your body and the results are sent to a machine which works out various measurements.  For more information check out this site which explains it better than I can 😉

From this test I learnt quite a number of things which helped me set some good goals for my health/fitness.

At the time of my test I weighed in at 76.4kg (168.4 pounds) and I am 170cm (5’7) tall.  I was told that I am quite lucky as I distribute my fat evenly and so even though I was told my body fat percentage was 41% (I was shocked and disappointed to learn this) it doesn’t look like this.  I learnt that this percentage equated to 31kg of fat (68 pounds), however my ideal fat mass would be almost 16kg – therefore I have 15kg (33 pounds) of fat to lose!

As I have a small frame the results advised my ideal weight is 58.79kg (129.6 pounds); however I was told about 63kg (138 pounds) would be more accurate.  This would be almost the 15kg of fat – and hopefully I would gain muscle too as my muscle is currently less than the minimum for my weight (mind you it is 20.7kg at the moment and the ideal is 22kg) so it’s interesting to know that I only have to gain 2kg of muscle but need to lose 15kg of fat!

I was pleased to learn that my body is well hydrated so no room for improvement there!  The main thing I needed to focus on was losing the fat and gaining muscle!  This excited me, I now had some figures, I knew what I needed to lose and what I wanted to achieve!

And that’s where I will leave this post for now… post I will let you know how I’ve been going since I learnt this back in October and after speaking with my Personal Trainer on my return.  It was then time to put an action plan into place!

Until then take care 🙂



Shout Out Sunday!

Along with my change in the look of my site I have decided to make a few small changes in content.

The first change is that I plan to write a short post every Sunday which is a Shout Out.

Either to: a fellow blogger who has motivated me, informed me of something awesome or just kept me smiling this week;

To a site which I may have stumbled on which is full of great information;

To someone I know who has done something special;

Or eventually – if you have someone you want me to give a shout out to just flick me a comment and I’ll be happy to give them a mention!

Today’s Shout Out is a bit of a general one and goes to everyone who is on a journey!  Be it at the beginning, middle or nearing the end!  Whether it is a fitness or health related journey, a career related journey or simply getting by day-by-day.  YOU’VE GOT THIS!!!  YOU CAN DO IT!!!  All you need to do is give it a go.  Your best is all that it takes – no one elses 🙂


The Life Of Morgan ✈

The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100% - Arnold Schwarzenegger.

All Romance Reads

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Food and Culture Shenanigans


Chronicles of a Health Guru Wannabe

The Gym Rat Diaries

Defining fitness to bring people of all backgrounds from beginner to novice, working with limited budgets, time and resources healthy information and motivation!

Where's my backpack?

Romancing the planet; a love affair with travel.


The ramblings, dreams and clichés that are my life.

Those daily things

,,It is by studying little things the we attain the great art of having as little misery and as much happiness as possible." - Samuel Johnson

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